Give through your work


Let’s work together to invest in good

At Good Return, we bring the excluded into the economy to create a more equitable world.  

We focus on women entrepreneurs. We break down gender barriers and empower them to take control of their lives and the lives of their families through innovative finance and business training.  

By supporting our work, you can have confidence that your contribution is making a real impact on people’s lives.

What is workplace giving?

Workplace giving is a simple and convenient way to donate to Good Return directly from your pre-tax pay. It’s a tax free contribution towards a better life for a woman and her family.

The difference you’ll make

Your donations will be invested into our financial education and skills programs for women, just like Phal.

Phal lives with her family in the Kandal province of Cambodia and she works in a garment factory. Border restrictions during the pandemic meant Phal was unable to travel to her workplace, and without an income her family struggled to pay for food, and medication for her mother.

During these difficult times, Phal had to rely on her meagre savings to support her family. Lacking financial security, Phal decided to improve her situation and take control of her financial future. She attended Good Return’s financial literacy training and gained skills in budgeting and saving. Phal is now saving towards her dream of starting a small business.

If you donate $25 and your donation is matched by your organisation, Good Return will receive $50. In one year, you will help 7 women build financial capability and empowering to provide a better future for her family.

Benefits of Workplace Giving

  • It’s all organised by payroll so the administration is managed on your behalf.

  • Your donation comes from your pre-tax pay. It will cost you less and the women we support will receive the maximum benefit of your donation.

  • Where your employer matches workplace giving contributions, your donation is doubled. THAT’S DOUBLE THE IMPACT!

What next?

  1. Ask your Payroll Administrator if your company has an existing Workplace Giving Program or a Workplace Giving Platform. You will find Good Return on Benevity, Good2Give and Good Company. Some organisations will match your giving amount, so make sure to ask if your organisations also has a matched funding program.

  2. Once set up, your donation will be deducted directly from your salary, meaning you receive an immediate tax saving.

  3. That’s it! You’ve made a wonderful investment and we will keep you updated on the impact of your donation and upcoming supporter activities.

If you are an organisation interested in Workplace Giving, read more about partnering with Good Return here.

 Find us on your workplace giving platform